The work of the church over the last 1000 years of the parish has flourished because people have been generous with their time and their financial resources. We have a very diverse congregation and people are encouraged to be generous to the church financially, according to their means.
Ways to give and donate
You can give to St Mary's in a number of ways explained below:
Regular giving
- Setup a Standing Order
- Request Gift Envelopes
- One-Off Donationshttps
- Make a Bank Transfer
- Use our just giving page
- Use our 'easyfundraising' page. Raise funds without expense to yourselves.
Click on the Logo
If you want to make a donation to St Mary's you can make a Bank Transfer using the account details below.
If you want to give regularly to St Mary's you can set up a Standing Order.
Our bank details are: Account No. 14632829 sort code: 60-04-36
Please make the reference either "Donation" or "Giving"
Either set this up via your online banking, or download a Standing Order Form to send to your bank here:
More information on how to give and gift aid, please contact us. If you would like to make a gift of a cheque, please make it out to St. Mary’s PCC, and send to St Mary’s Lewisham, 36 Bourdon Rd. SE20 7SP